Habana House Cigars

About US

Habana House Cigar LOUNGE

Habana House Cigar Lounge is a well-established haven for cigar enthusiasts, proudly serving our community for 25 years. With two inviting lounges and a third on the horizon, we offer a sophisticated atmosphere for aficionados to relax, connect, and enjoy premium cigars. Our expansion plans include a new physical location and our growing online store. While our current online selection features a curated list of brands, it's important to note that this is just a glimpse of the wide variety of premium cigars available in our lounges. We're continuously expanding our online offerings and are happy to accommodate special requests. If there's a particular brand you're looking for, reach out, and we'll add it to our online inventory. At Habana House, we blend tradition with innovation, providing a quarter-century of expertise in creating the perfect cigar experience. Whether you visit us in person to enjoy our full selection or shop online for your favorites, we're committed to meeting the needs of cigar lovers everywhere.

Habana House South Congress

3601 South Congress Suite K-100A Austin, Texas 78704

Habana House North 183

13729 Research Blvd #1075 Austin, Texas 78750

COMING SOON Round Rock Location

2800 East Palm Valley Blvd #100 Round Rock, Texas 78665
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